Nancy Aronie
Al Badger
Geraldine Brooks
Grace Sundman-Burton
Cape Air: Colin Ewing
Dave Caron, MV Hospital Pharmacy
Prudy Carter, Island Health Care
Sgt. Daniel Cassidy, OB Police Dept.
Molly/Eric Glasgow, Grey Barn Farm
Pat Gregory, Educomp
Beka El-Deiry, Island Window Design
Dr. Mark Hahn, Ph.D.,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Norman Hall, Hall International LLC
Tamera Hersh, Conroy Apothecary
Galen Ho, Galen Enterprises
Patricia Ho, AAUW
Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Leslie Hurd, Hurd Publishing
John Klein, Polarex
Karen Krowski, Psychologist
Dr. Karen Casper, MV Hospital ER
Dr. David Halsey, Orthopedics Department
Dr. John Lamb, MV Hospital
Dr. Melanie Miller, Vineyard Pediatrics
Dr. Richard Montilla, Dermatology
Dr. Julia Stunkel, Vineyard Family Medicine
Lauren Vukota, MV Hospital, Rehab & Wellness
Dr. Yuki Honjo, McLane Research Laboratory
Len Morris, Galen Films
Rebecca McCarthy, Immigration Lawyer
Ed Merck, Author, college professor
Edgartown Police Department
Kevin McGrath, MVRHS Librarian
Jonathan Blum, Yum! Brands
Drew Conroy
Jim McKenna, Bears Stearns
Jennifer Neary, CONNECT to End Violence
MV Community Services
Megan Honey, The Harbor View Hotel
Emma Green Beach, MV Shellfish Hatchery
Barbara MacDonald So. Boston Neighbor Housing
Wynton Marsalis, Lincoln Center Performing Arts Center
Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation
Martha’s Vineyard Commission: Adam Turner
Martha’s Vineyard Fashion Week
Martha’s Vineyard Film Center
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Operating Room, Emergency Room, Rehab & Radiology
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Martha’s Vineyard Magazine
Market 36: Cody Brewer, Erik Hollenberg
Nelson Mechanical Engineering Design
Oracle software writer, Ellen Leverenz
Pricewaterhouse Cooper: Boston
Dr. David Rancourt, DO, MPH,
The Cardiovascular Specialists, LLC
Bret Stearns, Wampanoag Tribe of (Gayhead) Aquinnah Natural Resources Director
South Mountain Company
Spanish Consulate in Boston
Rose Styron, Amnesty International
Lt. Timothy Williamson, OB Police Department
Liz Witham, Film-Truth Productions
The Farm Institute
The Harbor View Hotel
U.S. Senator John Kerry’s Communications Director
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Office Manager
Windemere Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Kate Putnam, Putnam Investments
Dan Stanton, Goldman Sachs
Dr. Jim Wolff, Boston University