Walter Cronkite Awards 2014 Newsletter
Walter Cronkite was the honorary chairperson of the Stone Soup Leadership Institute for over a decade. His wisdom and vision of preparing our youth as future leaders in their communities gave rise to this Annual Awards Ceremony. The Award honors people using the power of the media to build an educated and sustainable world.
Our Sponsors
Pre-Event Dinner: The Harbor View Hotel
Transportation: Budget Martha’s Vineyard and Tradewinds Aviation
Thanks to Ernie Bach Jr. for use of his parking lot.
Dinner Sponsors: Linda Jeans, Lucky Hank’s, Red Cat at Ken ‘N’ Beck
Gift Bags: Chilmark Chocolates, Jim’s Package Store, Your Market, Bunch of Grapes
Lodging: The Harbor View Hotel, The Capricorn House, Vineyard Harbor Motel, Winnetu Oceanside Resort
Photographer: Ashley Tilton Videographer: Jonah Maidoff
Parent Volunteer: Elliot Bennett, Lisa McGowan Reagan and Pam Thors
Allison Shaw for the photo of Walter Cronkite
Many Thanks to Karen & David Brush
When we bought the Cronkite house, we knew we wanted to support and carry on Walter’s legacy here on the Vineyard. The Cronkite Awards, which honor people using the power of the media to build an educated and sustainable world, seemed a perfect way to do this. The work the Institute does locally, through the Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Initiative (MVYLI), continues Walter’s vision of preparing our youth as future leaders in our community. – Karen and David Brush