Trips to Senator Kerry & Governor Patrick’s Offices, 2010
On August 25, 2010 MVYLI youth traveled to Boston to present their Sustainable Vineyard Map to Senator John Kerry’s staff. They are proud of their Map and how it demonstrates how the
Vineyard is becoming a showcase for sustainable living. Senator Kerry’s Education Director, Colleen Coburn, received the Map and gave each youth a copy of Senator Kerry’s book, This Moment on Earth, Today’s New Environmentalists and Their Vision for the Future.
They thanked the Massachusetts Senator for his letter: “The Vineyard Youth Summit is taking an important leadership role in providing you with the tools and education necessary to make action possible. Your generation—a generation of inspired youth—can make an enormous impact on our ability to overcome these pressing issues. You are our hope for the future. Your innovation, creativeness, imagination, persistence, and hard work can produce the solutions we need.”
Read a letter of support from Senator John Kerry.